Tuesday, September 9, 2008

20 questions

1- What is your husband's name? Daniel Michael Marcel Gagnier
2- Who said I love you first? Danny did.
3- Who is smarter? Danny, for sure.
4- Who is more sensitive? ME, all the way.
5- Who does the laundry? Me, of course.
6- Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do
7- Who pays the bills? Danny makes the money but I actually send them out?
8- Who cooks more? ME, ME, ME!!!!!!
9- What meals do you cook together? None, I do all the work.
10- Who is more stubborn? Danny is a lot more stubborn then me, he just knows how to make me laugh.
11-Who is the first to admit they are wrong? That's a hard one.
12- Who is more clean? Danny, I'm embarrassed to admit that.
13- Who has more siblings? Me, there's three of them.
14- Who wears the pants in the relationship? Really? Anyone that knows my husband knows the answer to that.
15- What do you like to do together? EVERYTHING, wink wink!!
16- Who eats more sweets? Me, I have a weakness.
17- How did you meet? We met in High School.
18- Who asked who out first? I did.
19- Who kissed who first? It was mutual, the first day we met.
20- Who proposed? Danny, I ain't Britney.

1 comment:

Jess Mangum said...

well, well, well! look who has a blog! im very proud of u..way to go.. and i expect updates so dont have aboring blog ok!