Yesterday was not only the hardest day of my life but also our third anniversary. Words cannot explain all the things I am feeling. I want to stay positive but it's so hard when the best thing in your life isn't around to cheer you up. I have a permanent lump in my throat and I can't seem to stop thinking about him. I went to work today and it's pretty difficult to act like you're interested in what people are saying when you can't concentrate. I'm so lucky to have my family and friends support. I'm going to need it because I have a feeling it's going to get worse. I can't wait for the day I see him again. I'm so proud of him, he's so brave and strong and I know he'll do awesome.
I love you!
I know exactly how you feel! It is definitely the hardest thing Ive had to do! but, it will be worth it im glad your going through it so we can help eachother get by! I love you! and I'll see you this weekend! I hope they are in the same dorm oh so badly!!!
I am so scared for when my day comes . . not only for me but for Lucas. What we go through for our men! Hopefully the time will pass by quickly. If you need anything you know how to find me, come by and visit any time :)
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